Просмотр полной версии : At me pregnancy 6 ned. 4 5 days prior to date of a fertilization I have finished...

08.05.2004, 02:30
At me pregnancy 6 ned. 4 5 days prior to date of a fertilization I have stopped to accept Metronidazolum (as an agent from a thrush). Accepted within 7 days in the morning and in the evening on 1 tablet, tell or say, whether there can be it dangerous to a fetus? And more - the thrush has not passed or has not taken place, the doctor in connection with pregnancy has advised to be treated with suppositories Terzhinan (a cycle of 12 times). Tell or say, whether it is possible to apply the given preparation, t. To. In anotatsii contraindications are not present, and Nistatinum which in itself contains as I heard, is dangerous to a fetus. In advance many thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.05.2004, 16:55
Reception of Metronidazolum up to pregnancy is not dangerous, treatments of a thrush are better for postponing up to 14 and further weeks.