Просмотр полной версии : Hello! 1. Specify please, whether it is possible to hand over a blood on AFP and HG about...

07.05.2004, 03:03
Hello! 1. Specify please, whether it is possible to hand over a blood on AFP and HG once till 20 weeks, or it is better two times with a break? Whether definition of a level nekonjugirovannogo a theelol enters into these analyses, or it is 3 j the analysis?
These analyses are how much necessary all and whether it is necessary to hand over them, if it simply my desire for calm? The truth in 6 weeks was the begun abortion and it would be desirable to check up now a maximum possible or probable, and the doctor while will appoint or nominate only the general or common bloods, urine and all to a HIV, etc. Term 15 ned.
2. In 9 weeks handed over 17 = 49, 5, whether norm or rate it? In laboratory have told or said, that it's OK, and the doctor, knowing the answer of laboratory then having looked or seen result in any way on it or him has not commented. Whether this parameter in connection with augmentation of term should to vary and whether it is necessary to hand over still it or him to look or see changes? Accepted Utrozhestan, has been appointed or nominated before reception of results.
3. And the last: On an infection I handed over a smear, and in conference there were reports on credits of chlamydias in a blood, etc. Tell or Say it parallel kinds of researches or at detection in a smear of an infection, understand further?
Excuse, has collected:)

Oshchepkova S.R.
08.05.2004, 16:54
1, Second time it is meaningful to hand over analyses if there are any deviations or rejections from norm or rate. The theelol is a separate analysis. If there are suspicions on developmental anomalies of a fetus or you worry to hand over necessarily. 2. Norm or rate. No. 3. It is possible to do or make both simultaneously, and it is possible to use one analysis. All depends on your desire and techniques on which your laboratory works.