Просмотр полной версии : All greetings! Today the test has shown 2 strias, only here one a little bledne...

07.05.2004, 21:03
All greetings! Today the test has shown 2 strias, only here one is little bit more acyanotically, and 2 different tests at once did or made) and on both one is more acyanotically. But here a problem, at me have found out gardenerelly. Externally anything disturbs. The doctor has registered suppositories Betadin. And it anything will affect or influence the child? Term 2, 5 weeks will turn out. It is possible but whether to begin reception? Without remorses? All in advance thanks

07.05.2004, 23:55
To apply Betadin at pregnancy it is possible, under indications. Suppositories with betadinom are not recommended to be applied after 3 go month of pregnancy. Success.

08.05.2004, 07:29
JUlja I as the person which constantly try to be very circumspect I shall advise you to consult with very skilled or experienced doctor ginekologom-akusherom if such is available. And in general I think at all of you it will be good.