Просмотр полной версии : I do not have monthly a year - that to me to do or make? I feel perfectly, vro...

06.05.2004, 09:09
I do not have monthly a year - that to me to do or make? I feel perfectly, like is not pregnant:)
Prompt pozhadujsta

Pasenjuk A.M.
07.05.2004, 11:55
If to you more than 45 years - it's OK. If less to survey a hormonal background, first of all to exclude giperprolaktinemiju and a tumour of a pituitary body, SPKJA, giperandrogeniju. For what to make the analysis of a blood on hormones, a roentgen of a head, US of a uterus and appendages, to exclude developmental anomalies or posledvtsvija inflammatory processes in the form of endometrial synechias.