Просмотр полной версии : At my daughter (in April there will be 12 years) in May have begun monthly. First were...

06.05.2004, 16:18
At my daughter (in April there will be 12 years) in May have begun monthly. First were irregular, brown, not plentiful allocation. Addressed in the Center of protection of mother and the child to the children's gynecologist who has told or said, what is it the normal phenomenon and has registered, in case of the beginning plentiful vydeleny ditsinol, gluconat of a calcium, Ascorutinum and tincture of water pepper (all on 3 times a day).
The last have begun with December, 2nd at the daughter monthly, all over again again not plentiful brown allocation, and 1, 5 weeks - very plentiful allocation, sometimes with clots. I give a medicine to her (except for tincture of water pepper which I can not buy or purchase anywhere), but the situation does not change. That is monthly go already almost month. Advise, whether there is an occasion for the reference or manipulation to the doctor or all this is normalized. Nothing hurts the daughter, but it seems to me, that she gets tired more quickly. In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
07.05.2004, 09:40
It is an occasion for the urgent reference or manipulation to the doctor - at the girl can it is developed an anemia iz-for bleedings.