Просмотр полной версии : My doctor did not suggest me to make provokatsju before a capture of a smear on all bakt...

05.05.2004, 01:11
My doctor did not suggest me to make provokatsju before a capture of a smear on all a bacterium about which you spoke as a result of have found nothing only leucocytes, now she has suggested to hand over me a blood on a chlamydia, prompt in what a difference between the analysis of a blood and a smear and where detection is more probable, I now experience that can is simple at me without provakatsii have found nothing?

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.05.2004, 17:01
If you speak about PRTS to diagnostics she is very exact. If it will be defined or determined by birth hlamidijnyj an antigen or immunoglobulins - too authentic definition. Definition in a blood is simple antitel to hlamii doubtfully research. Detection of leucocytes in a vulval or vaginal smear testifies usually to an inflammation in a vagina or shejke uteruses.