Просмотр полной версии : Hello, prompt please, that to me to do or make at me not regular tsi...

Elena R
05.05.2004, 21:43
Hello, prompt please, that to me to do or make at me not a regular cycle and I have started to drink contraceptive tablets under the reference of the doctor, a propyl three weeks of the first packing (vypela the first tablet in the first day of a menses) and I need to make a break in 7 days, but for the third day of a break at me the menses has begun, that to me now to do or make to begin new packing at once or to wait the remained days and then to begin, the matter is that I live not in Moscow, and our doctor have left for holiday to consult there is nobody. In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
06.05.2004, 05:19
Hello, Elena! Read closely or attentively the instruction to a preparation, there about it or this it is necessarily spoken. If the doctor did not give any special indicatings irrespective of when have begun a menses following packing it is necessary to begin in 7 days after the termination or ending pregoing.

06.05.2004, 12:08
Thanks you huge for the operative answer!!! Now I am precisely assured.