Просмотр полной версии : Hello! pozhskazhite what to do or make - at me a small duration of gestation, and in...

05.05.2004, 07:59
pozhskazhite what to do or make - at me a small duration of gestation, and around only and it is audible " the Flu, ORZ " and other catarrhal diseases. Here and at me already vtroj put temperature. However, small - 37, 37, 2. But in fact is! I very much am afraid to be ill. Advise, how it is possible to avoid it or this and what preparations in case of illness or disease can be accepted?

Pasenjuk A.M.
06.05.2004, 02:44
Rekomendujupit there is more than liquid, priniat vitamins, immunal, it is possible to drip an interferon in a nose.