Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! To me 23 years, a sexual life never lived. At me have begun...

04.05.2004, 23:22
To me 23 years, a sexual life never lived. At me have begun allocation temno-brown color on January, 14th, and normal monthly were from December, 29th till January, 4th. She has gone to the gynecologist on January, 24th me did not look and has sent on US. The same day at me have again begun monthly and have ended on January, 31st. To the gynecologist she has come with results of US to me dysfunction of ovaries has told or said, that, and has registered dear or expensive vitiminy firms " Altera Holding " vitamin E - 754 rub, multivita-680 rbl. and - 290 rbl. Djufaston I at once have bought or purchased tablets Djufaston. The doctor to me has told or said to drink djufaston with 14 on 25 number of the beginning monthly. Tobish from February, 6 till February, 17th I should accept djufaston, and I up to the extremity or end have not spent on drink this course because 10 at me have again begun monthly, I do not know now to accept to me djufaston during monthly or not, prompt please. And in occasion of vitamins, whether there are no analogues on cheaper, it is necessary to buy resulted or brought above? In advance many thanks.
E-mail: kseny_14@rambler. ru

Soboleva L.I.
05.05.2004, 08:11
Hello, Ksjusha! Djufaston accept and further under the scheme or plan. As to vitamin - in my opinion it is possible to manage and cheaper. 10 tablets obchnogo vitamin E cost or stand roubles 10 20. And Polyvitaminums - Vitrum, multitabs - good, but obviously are cheaper.