Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! Has returned just from private or individual clinic where handed over m...

The blonde
04.05.2004, 09:39
Hello the doctor! Has returned just from private or individual clinic where handed over a smear on all to an infection, the doctor when took a smear has told or said, that at me endotservikoz and me it is necessary to make urgently the analysis on detection of cancer cells and errozija. Clinic private or individual, what is it vykachka money or all is valid so is started? A floor of year did or made US back, all was in norm or rate. What to do or make to change clinic and the doctor or to run to be surveyed further?
That strange wished to hand over the analysis on all existing infections, but the doctor me has dissuaded, having told or said, that on a clamidiosis will be enough, motivirovav it is that if he will be found out, at its or his treatment it will be possible to get rid of all disease which can be available.

Malanova T.B.
05.05.2004, 03:57
1. Most likely, the doctor has assumed not "endotservikoz", and an endocervicitis - an inflammation of the cervical channel. However, such diagnosis can be assumed only submitted a smear on flora from the cervical channel or according to rasshirennojkolposkopii. 2. To each woman of genesial age the expanded colposcopy and 1 time in 2 years - smears on onkotsitologiju once a year is done or made. Such frequency of researches is possible or probable tolkopri absence of a pathology. If changes researches are done or made more often as the control of treatment come to light or are taped. 3. With smears on ZPPP the doctor it is not absolutely right. Virus infections which not lechasja antibiotics, kka the clamidiosis, and preparations is more specific, for example for a mycoplasmosis come to light or are taped also, and a ureaplasmosis in general often do not treat. Besides there can be a banal pathogenic flora, antibiotics to to which steal up according to crop. 4. On ZPPP it is necessary to hand over smears simultaneously with smears on flora from a vagina and the cervical channel. Presence of an infection at PTSR to diagnostics not always javljaesja the basis for carrying out of antibacterial therapy. And here in a combination to changes in usual a smear - treatment rapisyvaetsja.