Просмотр полной версии : To me of 26 years. There is a child - 2.5 years. Last year I accept OK (mersilon)....

03.05.2004, 22:38
To me of 26 years. There is a child - 2.5 years. Last year I accept OK (mersilon). The first half a year the menses began precisely in time, for the seventh month - a week earlier. Has made a break for a month, after a break three months - precisely in time, on the fourth - a week earlier. Than it is possible to explain a situation with disturbance of a regularity of a cycle.
Thankful in advance, Elena.

Pasenjuk A.M.
05.05.2004, 01:49
Disturbance of a cycle probably as a side effect of a preparation, therefore visit or attend the doctor and be surveyed