Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Prompt please, the analysis on anti-HG and antifosfo...

03.05.2004, 16:18
Hello, the doctor! Prompt please, the analysis on anti-HG and antifosfolipidnye antibodies this or thus one and too or not? And whether the raised or increased coagulability of a blood (function of thrombocytes is not broken or disturbed) can to influence results EKO? There Were 7 attempts (IKSI, it is negative), anti-HG (IgG-slabopolozhitelno). Not you could recommend what it is possible to pass or take place doobsledovanija (a laparoscopy and a hysteroscopy did or made).

Kamenetskij B.A.
04.05.2004, 19:39
The above-named researches not one and too.
>>> And whether the raised or increased coagulability of a blood (function of thrombocytes is not broken or disturbed) can to influence results EKO <<<-convincing data are not present. In many centers preparations are included or switched on in program EKO possessing antikooguljantnoj by activity. As if to references - there is not enough information also I am afraid without an internal occurring it it is impossible.