Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, hello! My attending physician has appointed or nominated to me djufaston for...

03.05.2004, 03:14
The dear doctor, hello!
My attending physician has appointed or nominated to me djufaston for normalization of a menses
(My diagnosis - an oligomenorrhea) for the period of 3 cycles,
Has now inoculated against a rubella. I plan pregnancy (me 29
Years) but in 3 months, t. To. After an inoculation it is necessary to wait this term.
Question: whether probably to accept oral contraceptives for preservation
From pregnancy for this period together with djufastonom? (on given
The moment I can not contact the attending physician).
Thankful in advance for the operative answer.

Ryazanov And.
03.05.2004, 19:02
In your situation it is necessary to be protected by means of condoms.