Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstujte the doctor. During cesarean sections at me have removed a uterus, now...

02.05.2004, 02:21
Zdravstujte the doctor. During cesarean sections at me have removed a uterus, now the diagnosis fibro - a cystic mastopathy, the doctor has sneered and has told or said what cure me normal labors and long feeding by a breast can only, differently there will be a cancer. Tell or say, in modern medicine can replace a uterus or not, and where, if yes? The Silly question, but in my case and not it you will ask. Still I gde-heard that on the TV, but have not remembered where (it then it was not necessary to me), in Russia there is an institute in which take an ootid of one woman impregnate or fertilize it or her and replace in a uterus surogatnoj mothers, she gives birth or travails and gives the child to its or his parents (so ostensibly do or make rich women which laziness to give birth or travail). Where this institute, and how much such operation costs or stands, because I not rich (I work as the teacher and the husband too to give birth to the child would go on everything, but alas. You could not answer these questions, please. I live in Kazakhstan here again about similar operations and institutes it is not audible.

Kamenetskij B.A.
03.05.2004, 06:23
I shall begin with your first question: anybody and anywhere VA will not replace a uterus. The second: your pavors in occasion of a cancer of a mammary gland softly to tell or say preuvelichiny. At once I shall make a reservation, it does not mean, that you do not need to be observed (even once a year) at mammologa/the oncologist. And the last: scientific research institute AiG it or him. (Sankt-Petersburg) in which I work as D.O.Otta, any more the first year is engaged in programs of a substitute maternity and a donorship of an ootid. You can receive the detailed information by phones: (812 3282251 and 3289822.

03.05.2004, 12:59
Thanks big for the answer.