Просмотр полной версии : Tell or Say please, abortion is how much harmful at the first pregnancy. Big...

02.05.2004, 03:14
Tell or Say please, abortion is how much harmful at the first pregnancy. Many thanks.

02.05.2004, 10:39
The sexologist on a site mama. ru spoke, that 18 % of sterility or barrenness - after abortion at the first pregnancy.
And so there can be still a heap of everything as after any other abortion, look or see archive of conference (in okoshechke on the right).

02.05.2004, 23:58
Before abortion never was problems with health. But 5 years ago circumstances were those, that it was necessary to make it or him. Pregnancy was 1 I. All has passed or has taken place successfully, but year through 1, 5 problems have begun. Sterility or barrenness, dysfunction of ovaries, a cyst of a yellow body, etc. Here 4 years I am flied or treated. If there is an opportunity to save this pregnancy try to make it. I already how much time recollected that time 5 back when was pregnant. I wish you health and success.