Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Pregnancy 21 week. US of a fetus has shown, that fizich...

01.05.2004, 23:28
Hello, the doctor! Pregnancy 21 week. US of a fetus has shown, that a physical pathology at it or him all is not revealed, in norm or rate, but the cord or navel consists not of three vessels (two arterial, one venous), and from two (arter. And veins.). The doctor done or made with US, approves or confirms, that the probability of illness or disease of the Down at a fetus is great. Suggests to hand over the analysis of a blood through a puncture, but in Orenburg such analyses only recently have started to do or make and it is not always successful. Prompt, please, really all so terribly? And where in Moscow it is fast and it is qualitatively possible to make such analysis. There is a complication in the form of a hysteromyoma on a forward wall.

Pasenjuk A.M.
02.05.2004, 14:31
Unfortunately, all is terrible, because the risk of a pathology of a fetus is high. I recommend you consultation in TSentremateri and the child (NTSAGiP on Ak. Oparin, 4, M "JUgoZapadnaja") - there it is possible even in a direction from oblzdravotdela or platno in TSPSiR (Sevastopol, 24, m "Trade-union", bodies 095 3320823, to Konopljannikovu, he is engaged kordotsentezom - so the fence of a blood and a karyotype is called will be ready in seven days)