Просмотр полной версии : Has read through on mama. ru, that approximately from 15 weeks and then in 2 weeks reko...

01.05.2004, 06:28
Has read through on mama. ru, that approximately from 15 weeks and then in 2 weeks it is recommended to make " the triad test ": AFP + HG + NE. In ZHK to me have told or said, that it is necessary to make only AFP once on 20 week. 1) whether it is correct or it is better to look or see levels of all three hormones in dynamics or changes?
Has called in different honey. And lech-diagn. The centers, anywhere do not define or determine NE, only Oestradiolum. 2) this same, or different hormones? Thanks in advance!

Pasenjuk A.M.
01.05.2004, 21:53
1. On 15 18 week the triad test is done or made, at deviations or rejections repeats
2. No, etoraznye hormones.