Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, at my mum (52 years) suspicion on a hyperplasia of a uterus. Us...

Julia, on November, 30th
01.05.2004, 00:22
The dear doctor, at my mum (52 years) suspicion on a hyperplasia of a uterus. How much or As far as it is dangerous? One and a half year ago she has transferred or carried a cancer of a mammary gland, half a year back scanning has shown full absence of cancer cells. Thanks.

Savchenko A.A.
01.05.2004, 18:10
At your mum risk of development of a cancer endometrija (uteruses) high. The in itself hyperplasia endometrija is not dangerous, but she can turn in atipicheskuju a hyperplasia, then - a cancer endometrija. She accepts inspection, consultation onkoginekologa.