Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy and toxoplasmosis

15.04.2004, 14:47
I am am excited very much with this question. At me the small duration of gestation, and in the house lives a cat. To me och. It would not would be desirable to give it or her. But as it is possible to secure itself and the child. What and where it is possible to pass or take place inspections. Probably there are any inoculations for a cat? She, a cat, at us pure or clean, on street to walk does not go, the husband cleans or removes now for her.
In advance bragodarna for the answer, Nina.

15.04.2004, 16:56
First the cat can be surveyed. But it is possible also it or this not edlat. Even if to accept for a reality, that she is ill or sick (!), even then, e sli you buldete to clean or remove for her in gloves. In do not catch (and if the husband cleans or removes, the question in general is buried), you should hand over a blood on antibodies to a toxoplasmosis - whether and uznat.e sli at you immunity.
It is much more probability to the person to catch a toxoplasmosis not from a cat, and through crude (underdone or rare and tp) meat and milk from the market (through eit products the cat if she it does not eat catches also the toxoplasmosis and does not threaten her)

16.04.2004, 16:48
Cat, you need to hand over analyses on a toxoplasmosis though when I got registered on pregnancy, delivery of the analysis on a toxoplasmosis was strictly obligatory as well as the analysis on a HIV. Talk to YOUR gynecologist in consultation, can to YOU already did or made such analysis if is not present ask to make.
Personally at me a toxoplasmosis since 1997, longly not could zaberemennet, has then got in the center of institute Gamalei - institute of infectious diseases of Russian Academy of Medical Science. Has passed or has taken place course of treatment and has safely given birth in 2001.
If wish receive the additional information I can to inform in the personal message.