Просмотр полной версии : Norcolutum, why so..?

20.01.2004, 20:34
Hello! To me 44 years, in current of seven months accepted Norcolutum owing to strong bleedings, 3 months ago a preparation has stopped to accept, monthly otustvujut completely, why so?

In advance I thank for the answer.
Tatyana Viktorovna.

23.01.2004, 12:01
It is necessary for you to address to the gynecologist or in a cabinet or study of planning of family (it is possible or probable at you hormonal failure).

31.01.2004, 13:01
I have asked a question to the doctor to the gynecologist and probably I already was at the gynecologist, doctors here such to which to go senselessly.

All still I look forward to hearing from the gynecologist, that that strongly longly you respond in this section of a forum.

31.01.2004, 14:30
I not the doctor and consequently can explain nothing to you on your question. I know only that to me too appointed or nominated this preparation, but because of absence monthly. I just had a hormonal failure. After their reception monthly have appeared also I even has managed to become pregnant. More I can tell or say nothing, and what was the reason of purpose or appointment to you of this preparation? Probably you will find the answer if visit or attend this page http: // www.medarena.ru/preparats/g-richter/includes/norkolut.asp