Просмотр полной версии : The help in treatment.

28.01.2004, 19:37
I wish to learn or find out your opinion.
To me the doctor has appointed or nominated for treatment of a hypoplasia endometrija to a choice treatment.
Or Microfollinum + djufaston, or klimonorm.
prochla it is a lot of clauses or articles about these preparations, one do not recommend young girls klimonrm, others write about many by-effects at Microfollinum (in particular excess weight)
Prompt pozhajlusta, that it is better to me to choose
In advance thanks!

29.01.2004, 14:30
Reception preprata Microfollinum does not give augmentation of weight. Djufaston, really, can promote some delay of water in an organism due to what, the weight can increase, but after cancelling Djufastona, - the weight is normalized. Klimonorm it is possible to appoint or nominate to young girls under indications. In your case unequivocally to answer it is not obviously possible, since the doctor does or makes the decision on a choice of a preparation and the scheme or plan of treatment at personal survey, on the basis of results of analyses, etc. we Recommend you to state the doubts to the attending physician and in common to choose the scheme or plan of treatment.
The doctor of the maximum or supreme category the -gynecologist, the doctor of US Bulatova Love Nikolaevna.