Просмотр полной версии : Oral contraception

27.12.2003, 01:03
To me 16. I wish to pass to tablets, but the friend speaks, that they are unhealthy. Whether so it? He predlogaet what that suppositories (formateks chtoli). Raskazhite please about their action, whether they (still if it is possible, skoka approximately cost or stand) and how to me all taki is better to be protected are reliable?

05.01.2004, 16:58
Oral contraception for today is the most effective method. Certainly, this method has contraindications and by-effects which, as a rule, disappear in 2-3 months.
As to farmateksa and similar preparations their contraceptive effect is approximately peer 80-90 %.
For selection of an optimum preparation for contraception it is better to address to the gynecologist.