Просмотр полной версии : What is such?

29.07.2003, 10:11
Zdravstujte, once again!

I placed is a report at a forum infektsionista, but he and has not responded..
In general, I have caught a cold even in the winter, a saw of a tablet - all has passed or has taken place.. Has passed or has taken place month and all on-new! Wrote even with a blood...: (
And here it began to repeat almost every month... Sometimes happens 1-2 days last in general, but same is intolerable!!! Yesterday went to bathe, bathed once, in water there was minutes 20, a water like not cold... Today has woken up also run in a toilet... On a drop, but a pain infernal. Has come on job and again to a toilet, but already with a blood...
Before I have noticed, that as soon as I am not protected with the young man so on following or in day begins...
And here questions:
1) To what doctor to me to address?
2) whether the cystitis sexual by Can be passed... It can any infection?
3) That to me to do or make? How it is treated? What to drink tablets? (I drank 5-, Levomycetinum).
Many thanks.
I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply.

Valentine: (

Valentine: (
31.07.2003, 10:11
Really nobody can respond me? Hotjaby tell or say to itself to address!: (

01.08.2003, 11:00
Hello, Valentine!
It was not necessary to play for time, it was necessary to descend or go though to kaomu- to the doctor more quickly... Yes, it is not excluded, that there is an infection. It is necessary to address to the gynecologist and, if necessary, to the urologist. The cystitis is an inflammation of a bladder. It is not passed sexual by. Sexual infections which can provoke its or his occurrence, in particular are by passed.
Yours faithfully, the doctor the gynecologist, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.