Просмотр полной версии : The analysis

16.06.2003, 08:16
Hello! The dear doctor! Prompt, please, it is necessary to hand over what analysis, whether to define or determine be ill or sick you with genital herpes, it is a smear from a vagina or a blood from a vein (finger)? Whether Will show the analysis presence of herpes when already rashes are not present? Thanks.

16.06.2003, 16:00
It is necessary to hand over smears from the cervical channel (and if there are rashes - still and from the centers) and a blood from a vein (method IFA). Even if rashes at present are not present, in a blood there will be antibodies. For more detailed consultation it is necessary to address to the expert. Kont. Ph. 306 43 66, 306 01 52.
Yours faithfully, k.m.n. Mgdesjan N.K.