Просмотр полной версии : Reflux an esophagitis

25.02.2005, 21:19
At the child a reflux-esophagitis of 2 degrees, a failure of cardia-accepted omeprazol one mesjats.byl a break three months. And now have again appointed or nominated. But time idyot.a result that net.podskazhite pozhalujsta.kak to us to be further.

Karshieva Anna
03.03.2005, 10:17
The reflux-esophagitis quickly is not treated. The course of therapy makes not less than 8 weeks. Omeprozol has been appointed or nominated correctly, but the course should be longer. Still it is possible to give maaloks between receptions of nutrition and for the night.
Besides medicamental therapy it is necessary to carry out some rules to exclude zabros acidic sozherzhimogo a stomach in an esophagus.
Do not stack the child on a day time dream right after meal. About an hour he should is in vertical position. Putting it or him to bed, take care of that the pillow was high. Do not dress hard shtanishki or stockings with hard elastic. Limit in a ration fat nutrition, a batch, chocolate, do not give some mint chewing elastic and mint sweets.