Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Advise and soorientirujte, please, in the field of such pre...

25.08.2004, 12:13
Hello! Advise and soorientirujte, please, in the field of such preparations, as mezim, Festalum, Allocholum, baktisubtil, lineks, intetriks, etc. How to understand? I began to notice last time, that after we sing or we shall eat fresh fruit (apples, grapes, especially), a stomach or belly puchit, hums, the meteorism begins. What is it can be and what it is possible to spend on drink for simplification sosttojanija? Really it is impossible for me fresh fruit, I in fact so like them? Thanks.

25.08.2004, 21:20
Fruit in an intestine ferment, t. To. Carbohydrates. It is just necessary to eat them moderately (as well as all rest).