Просмотр полной версии : To catch through a kiss it is possible than?

08.07.2005, 14:23
The dear doctor! Respond please to my question! Prompt please, what illnesses or diseases can catch through kiss on the mouth if I this day had prikusana a labium during meal. Whether it is possible including to catch Spidom, a lues, a clamidiosis, uuroplazmozom, etc. illnesses or diseases. Many thanks for the answer!

Elena Sokolova
11.07.2005, 02:41
To catch through a kiss it is possible in the event that the partner has active displays of an infection in a mouth or on labiums, more often it concerns or touches such disease as a lues (an erosive or ulcerative hard ulcer at a primary lues; erosive papules in tongue or labiums at a secondary lues) if there are displays gerpeticheskoj infections. Other infections, as a rule, are passed sexual by or at non-observance of rules of personal hygiene (using the general or common towel, a bast, etc.), at a hemotransfusion of a HIV-infected of patients.