Просмотр полной версии : Relapse of the latent infections

27.06.2005, 11:51
Prompt please, whether relapse of the latent infections (such as a mycoplasma, a ureaplasma, chlamydias, papil is possible or probable. A virus)? Whether they cure or remain in an organism in a dejectedness?

Elena Sokolova
29.06.2005, 00:53
These infections well give in to treatment and criteria izlechennosti prove to be true control laboratory researches. Relapses at these diseases are possible or probable when an infection is long was not treated and has passed in the chronic form or therapy was appointed or nominated neodekvatnaja and the patient did not satisfy all necessary conditions at treatment. As to a papilloma of a virus infection at her clinical displays, as a rule, are cleaned or removed, and a virus long time is saved in a blood in persistirujushchem a status and under favorable conditions for a virus again can vozniknutklinicheskie displays.