Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, help or assist me to understand. To me have diagnosed a bacteriosis, has appointed or nominated...

22.08.2004, 23:13
The doctor, help or assist me to understand. To me have diagnosed a bacteriosis, have appointed or nominated suppositories neo-Penortran. After 4 h day time use at me the bleeding as has begun at monthly though they literally 4 days ago have ended. What to me to do or make? And more 4 days ago I have drunk Pastinor, t. To. The condom has torn. Whether there can be it iz-for it or him?

24.08.2004, 02:28
dermatovenerolog. ru

New settlers V.S.
27.08.2004, 16:58
This consequence or investigation of reception postinora.