Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Recently has left the girl, and now me one interests...

23.08.2004, 07:46
Recently has left the girl, and now me one moment of our life interests: in the summer she was on a vacation at parents far from me, and once by phone has told or said, that at it or her a colpitis, and to her have appointed or nominated (among other things) Trichopolum. I am mistaken, or it is a mecotic colpitis? How much mecotic colpitis is, I apologize, a gonorrhea? And whether it is possible to consider or count with confidence, what is it an attribute of its or her former incorrectness or infidelity?

Excuse, but to me now pochemu-that became important to understand it...

New settlers V.S.
23.08.2004, 19:46
Trichopolum could be appointed or nominated in occasion of a mecotic colpitis, and also with the purpose of restoration of flora of a vagina (even at absence of Trichomonases). A gonorrhea (gonorrhea) and trihomoniaz are different illnesses or diseases.

The anonym
24.08.2004, 15:04
The mecotic colpitis is not a gonorrhea, a gonorrhea the household name of a gonorrhea.

25.08.2004, 03:21
Thanks for an explanation of a difference between concepts. But the main question - whether is it an attribute of change?

The therapist
26.08.2004, 13:23
Well, unless indirect.....:)

New settlers V.S.
26.08.2004, 21:59
"Therapist" is categorically wrong.