Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors, I ask to help or assist me with my trouble. I on 16 am pregnant. Up to...

01.07.2004, 19:48
Dear doctors,
I ask to help or assist me with my trouble.
I on 16 am pregnant. Before I had an abortion (3) and regressing pregnancy (12). Has handed over recently analyses, have put the Ureaplasmosis. It is long-awaited and desired pregnancy. Then I have handed over the REEF on a lues as a bolt from the blue, MRS 4, RW-it is negative, - is positive, any external displays not obnaruzhenno. FOR all time there was only a constant partner, my husband, at it or him last 2 years were contacts only with me. Therefore I in confusion, whence, there can be such indications?
It can reaction to pregnancy or a cyst (US has shown)?
If to treat, it is harmless for a fetus and what treatment is better, and in what term?
Thanks in advance for the answer also I hope for your help, I very much wish to bear and give birth or take out and give birth to the child.
Yours faithfully,

New settlers V.S.
02.07.2004, 18:36
Necessarily repeat blood analysises as results at pregnancy can be false positive.