Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, month 2 and there was a reddening (enough obshir back...

26.05.2004, 22:11
The dear doctor, month 2 and there was a reddening (extensive enough) and an itch in inguinal area back. At once has gone to the doctor. He has told or said, that no trouble is not present and is what is it connected with nerves, and has written out ointment from an itch. But here already 2 and and the itch and reddening do not pass or take place month. There can be here something more serious?

Michael (venereologist)
27.05.2004, 00:54
Your pruritic maculae in an inguen, especially if the itch amplifies at night (in bed), display of fungic or fungal disease. Use ointment mikospor or batrafen 2 times a day within 2 weeks, putting or rendering to a thin layer on the centers in inguinal cords or crimps. Do not wear while swimming trunks (only h/cowards). If you have cracks and an itch in interdigital cords or crimps stop grease with ointment and there. If fingernails or nails on fingers stop are crumbled, exfoliate or have grown dull, the fungus means has amazed or struck also fingernails or nails. Then the help of the qualified dermatologist to you to not manage. I wish convalescence.

New settlers V.S.
27.05.2004, 12:02
Visible you observe fungic or fungal process. Address to us in clinic with the purpose of laboratory diagnostics as without treatment the given process during hot time will remind of itself more intensively: 316 43 00, Victor Serafimovich.