Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I hurted or was ill;was sick twice...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Hello! I was ill or sick with a lues twice. Last time in 1995 - treatment 2 nyxes ekstentsillina. Now RW (-), microreaction 4 (+) 1:2, RIBT - slabopolozhitelnyj, IFA, the REEF - are positive. The doctor has appointed or nominated enterosgel 10 days 2O/day, diclofenac of 2 weeks, plazmaferez 6 procedures and UFOK 8 times. I am afraid to do or make procedures of clearing of a blood, besides the doctor has told or said, that there is no guarantee, that the blood will be cleared and, that with such analyses people can live all life. Very much I wish to give birth to the child - me 30 years. What to do or make? Whether I with such case history can have children? Whether you recommend to make plazmaferez and UFOK or will make only plazmaferez enough? How all this can be reflected on health of the future child? Very much I look forward to hearing. Thanks.


Dear (aja) Nina, Kharkov, Ukraine
In your case at any rasklade during pregnancy should receive preventive treatment (hospital). In occasion of plazmafereza and UFOK, reliability and expediency of these procedures of data I have no. I think, that you can address with a question on faculty dermotovenerologii in Kiev or Kharkov medinstitute.