Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, the doctor in konsultats...

15.11.2003, 23:14
Zdrastvujte, the doctor in consultation for some reason waves away, at it or her one answer: Yes all will be normal . And questions the following:
1. What consequences excision of a leukoplakia by a method of a cryolysis (to me 24 years, I did not become pregnant at all) can have for not given birth or not travailled woman?
2. When pregnancy after such operation is possible or probable?
3. What consequences for a fetation, during pregnancy, sorts or labors can arise, if pregnancy will come or step within a month after operation?
Your answer is very important, the information is necessary to me to make a decision, try to become pregnant or postpone.
In advance thanks for the answer and that give similar consultations, the doctor at me remarkable, but why - she does not consider or count desire to have that the child in 24 years seryoznym and to questions does not respond.


Dear (aja) Anna
To respond you : a leukoplakia it can is necessary, since this precancerous disease. Treatment spend or a cryolysis or lazervaporizatsiej. Pregnancy can be planned in 6 months after full convalescence and normalization of the cytologic isledovanija. Do not doom itself and the child to pathological pregnancy.