Просмотр полной версии : I 3 months ago have recovered from...

15.11.2003, 23:14
I 3 months ago have recovered from erosion shejki uteruses (cryosurgical operation, then the residual phenomena all over again have been made has finished the cure ovestinom). Any venereal and hereditary diseases at me (and the husband) never was. Now me the choice of hormonal contraceptive tablets (earlier never them drank) interests. The gynecologist at whom I am observed recently, has advised to drink mersilon. But preliminary, as he said, it is necessary to make US of a small basin. In this connection me two questions interest:
1. Whether it is valid to me important to make US (that can show US for an opportunity to drink gomonalnye agents)?
2. Whether it is possible instead of mersilona to drink other tablets (he enough dear or expensive, whether there is cheaper alternative)?
Yours faithfully, Lena (22 years, Moscow).


Dear (aja) Lena
According to US of a small basin it is possible to exclude presence of educations in a small basin, i.e. presence of cysts or myomas. If those educations it is not revealed, it is possible to accept Mersilon, analogue which contains the same combination of hormones-?o??NOO.