Просмотр полной версии : Gynaecology, accoucheur, obstetrician
- After two courses of stimulation klostilbegitom I had two follikuljar...
- The dear doctor,
I the virgin, Had attempt of sexual communication or connection. But probably...
- Question: the US has found out salmingit. Whether it can cause change color...
- The doctor, whether tell or say please the doctor can find out at survey beremenn...
- At the husband, neznaju as will be pravelno, he handed over spermogrammu, and at it or him diagno...
- Uv. The doctor prompt please that delat-today the test has shown is pregnant...
- Hello! At me such problem - a cycle to define or determine very difficultly, from 35...
- The endometriosis (inactive stage) is diagnosed
Whether it is possible to do or make abortion?..
- Hello. To my girlfriend have diagnosed - a glandular hyperplasia endom...
- The doctor, my question was: the Doctor, zdravsvtujte. The first cycle I accept loges...
- The dear doctor! Tell or say please, with the medical purpose to destination the doctor...
- At me 15 weeks of pregnancy. I am very fast poprovljajus, have appeared awful...
- At me now 3 4 week of pregnancy. On the first week of pregnancy was with...
- The doctor, since time cesarean has passed or has taken place year and three months. I wish to go zanimats...
- The dear Doctor! Enterococci were found out in me from 1000 up to 10.000 in urine...
- Advise please contraception, except for oral and condoms. Sushchest...
- Question to Tatyana Borisovne Malanovoj!
I prosla, that you the gynecologist... And on...
- 25 years, we live with the husband 3 years, there are no children. Were surveyed in occasion of sterility or barrenness....
- What is the time after an ovulatory pain it is necessary to be protected?
- Hello the doctor, thanks for the yesterday's answer. Would like to ask still, as...
- My question can seem strange. As should go monthly, a little d...
- The dear doctor! Whether prompt, please, there can be a delay menst...
- The dear doctor! I am a physician, me almost 30 years, about 5 years to me cannot with...
- Hello! I wish to conceive the child and for this purpose every day I measure rektal...
- Pregnancy of 16 weeks. Labors will be 3. Yesterday there was a survey, have told or said very much korot...
- Were engaged in sex for 1, 2 and 3 day after the termination or ending of a menses without prezerva...
- Please, prompt, if the child will be born on 29 30 week of pregnancy...
- Good afternoon! Tell or say, please, why at me rectal temperature 37...
- Hello, the doctor! I accept Silest 10 months. Whether it is necessary to do or make per...
- Tell or Say please, through what time there are the first and the subsequent prizn...
- Terrible itch on internal walls of a vagina (is closer to an input or entrance) and series on it is hollow...
- Dear Tatyana Borisovna, whether probably = to cure a hydrosalpinx and we shall take away...
- I have started to accept Regulon with 1 go day of a cycle. And now on 9 j day all still...
- Skajite pojalusta mojet li zagib matki bit prichinoy ne nastupleniya bereme...
- Prompt, pozhaljsta, whether should be allocation with a blood ("false" monthly)...
- Uv. The doctor. At me genetic predisposition to varices; probably, ch...
- We with the husband plan the child. What time before (minimum) follows him in...
- Hello! Tell or say please as you concern to treatment genekologicheskih...
- Hello! My doctor has registered to me to Diana 35 and Bromocriptinum (for treatment gi...
- Hello, the doctor. You could not ovetit, that mean results anali...
- Hello the doctor, me the doctor has told or said to use from trihomoniaza vaginal...
- If the two-corned uterus, mozhna to give birth to the child?...
- Hello, I work in the copy center where it is a lot of all about...
- Good afternoon! How to accelerate process of an adhesion after excision chemical spos...
- zdrastvujte, the doctor! At me to you two questions: 1). Whether can be beremennos...
- Hello! I from Baku. Recently went on US. Doctors have diagnosed: in...
- The dear doctor, Hello! Explain please, why after 20 oh n...
- On courses have advised to clean an intestine 1. In a week a clyster. Pregnancy...
- You could not tell more in detail, that enters into concept "physiotherapy"...
- Girls, somebody knows, why there are jumps in weight? Term of 28 weeks. Pr...
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